Bio Salts are used in the basic functioning of the cells including water balance, digestion, removing toxins, the elasticity of the cells, oxygenation, nutrition, sodium/potassium balance, and much more!
Antacid agent neutralizes free hydrochloric acids in the stomach. Calcium - a macro element involved in the formation of bone tissue, the process of blood coagulation, is necessary to maintain stable cardiac activity, carry out the processes of transmitting nerve impulses.
Neutralizes heartburn, discomfort in the epigastrium. Prevent osteoporosis (including arthritis, breast cancer, in the elderly). Prevent and treat rickets and caries in children.
It has alkaline properties, increases alkaline blood reserve. When ingested, it quickly neutralizes gastric hydrochloric acid and has a quick, but short-term antacid effect. It irritates the receptors of the gastric mucosa, enhances the release of gastrin with secondary activation of secretion, can cause unpleasant sensations in the stomach (due to its stretching) and burping.
Sodium bi-carbonate has an expectorant effect due to a decrease in sputum viscosity due to a shift to the alkaline side of the bronchial mucus reaction. Absorption leads to the development of alkalosis. Urine alkalization prevents the precipitation of uric acid in the urinary tract. Alleviates symptoms of the sea and air disease.
Metabolic acidosis (including diabetes mellitus, infections, intoxications, kidney disease, anesthesia, postoperative period); as a symptomatic agent for stopping heartburn, unpleasant sensations in epigastria associated with increased acidity of gastric juice; symptomatic cough treatment with viscous and intractable sputum in various airway diseases; the sea and air sickness.
For topical use: inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, eyes, upper respiratory tract, for the loosening of ear sulfur.
A remedy for potassium deficiency in the body. Contribute to maintaining the necessary intra- and extracellular levels of potassium. Potassium is the main intracellular ion, plays an important role in the regulation of various functions of the body. It is involved in the maintenance of intracellular osmotic pressure, in the processes of conducting and transmitting a nerve impulse to innervated organs, in the contraction of skeletal muscles, and in a number of biochemical processes. Reduces the excitability and conductivity of the myocardium, in high doses - suppresses automatism.
When to use:
Hypokalemia of various geneses, including due to vomiting, diarrhea, hyperaldosteronism, polyuria in chronic renal failure, the use of some drugs; arrhythmias, including glycoside intoxication; a hypokalemic form of paroxysmal monoplegia. Chronic hyperchloremic acidosis associated with potassium deficiency.